still from the video times + spaces
Slow, spatial changes of light, colours and time over the course of a day without abrupt stimuli allow the viewer to enter a state of relaxation and contemplation.
A soundtrack consisting of the original sound, flute sounds slightly modified with the kaosspad and long silences in between is transmitted to single shot images, modified with visual effects and with changes only perceptible with the passage of time. Times + spaces for a pleasant contemplation of spaces + times

still from the video times + spaces
Starting point of spaces + times was a long-standing concern of mine: the question of how or whether sound silence can be related to visual silence.
As a musician and performer of works by John Cage, whose major theme was silence, culminating in the composition 4'33'', I am deeply familiar with the lesson of sound silence - there is no silence but only the absence of an expected sound, thus opening up a space of unexpected and therefore sharper, finer reception.
Rejecting from the beginning as a visual analogy both the black, white or grey screen (which seems to me visually more comparable to a loud bang of sound followed by a ringing in the ear) and unfocused images, I opted for post-narrative slow cinema, for a recording of images in a single shot over the course of a day.

still from the video times + spaces