since 2018

For Clara Iannotta, acrylic on canvas, 120 cm x 90 cm, 2019
After my first painting exhibition BUNT - video and painting in Espacio Bop in 2018 I started a painting project with the provisional title Women Composers.
The idea consists of a selection of women composers, letting myself be inspired by their works to visualise my sensations in painting, drawing, etc.
I have chosen female composers from different centuries, from different countries and of different styles.So far I have created works for Clara Iannotta,
Hildegard von Bingen, Diamanda Galas and Eliane Radigue.
The project of women composers is still in progress.
From the serie Hildegard von Bingen I-XV
acrylic on canvas, 24 cm x 19 cm

The serie Diamanda Galas I-XVIII
charcoal on paper, various sizes
The serie Eliane Radigue - Tríptiych
acrylic on canvas,, 235 cm x 25 cm
